Indian Bandhgala Suits The practice of wearing an English suit or tuxedo on special occasions is becoming increasingly obsolete for Indian men, who are now seen wearing royal ethnic attire such as the bandhgala and tunic. Natural Wedding Jodhpuri Suit Jodhpuri bandhgala suit is a fine blend of western and eastern sensibilities and is a must have in every man's wardrobe. Winter season is a great time to bring out your formal wear. While many may not agree with this, the truth is that the weather is pleasant to the cold, making it a good time to wear western style suits or Indian formal suits. Talking about Indian ethnic formal wear for men, any discussion is incomplete without the mention of Jodhpuri bandhgala suits. A bandhgala suit is a formal coat paired with trousers. It originated in the state of Jodhpur in the mid-19th century and quickly became popular throughout Rajasthan. It is said to have evolved from Angarkha and is also seen as a shortened version of Achkan. T...
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